Career LMBDW

10 Ways To Cure Writers Block

16 February 2018

If you don’t know what writers block is then you’re one of the few people lucky enough to have never experienced it. For the rest of us, it sucks, right? You don’t know what to write, you’re stuck staring at the paper or screen and you want to do nothing more than give up. However, there are cures to this wicked curse in these need-to-know tips.

#1 Know your topic…

If there’s anything worse than not knowing what to write, it’s not knowing what you’re writing about. Do your research and make sure you understand the topic, story or task at hand.

#2 Make a plan…

Once you know your topic, write up a draft or potential layout so that you have something to refer to if you get stuck. Even if it’s just jotting down dot points of things you want to say…get it out of your head and onto paper ASAP.   

#3 Decrease the clutter…

Be sure that your workspace is neat and tidy. If your environment is messy and disorganised, your thoughts will be too. Clear away any unnecessary clutter and I guarantee you, you’ll instantly feel more productive. You could also light a candle or use a diffuser to create a more relaxed atmosphere. Lavender works a treat!

#4 Don’t over-think it…

This is probably the worst thing you can do! Over-thinking like in any situation, gets you nowhere and will definitely keep you from moving forward. Relax your mind and trust the process.

#5 Just start writing…

Stop staring at the blank paper or screen and just start writing…trust me, this will help you find your flow. Even if it’s not your best work you can always edit it later, it’s better to have something than nothing. 

#6 Believe in yourself…

Self-belief in any aspect of life is always important. It not only boosts your confidence but can help your overall mood of feeling good about yourself. Believing and telling yourself “I can write well” and “you’ve got this” is just the sort of ‘can-do’ attitude you need to get you going.

#7 Take breaks…

Be sure to take breaks and allow your mind to focus on something else for a while. This will help clear your head and you’ll find yourself refreshed and rejuvenated when you return. Drinking tea, eating food or simply walking outside for fresh air, are the perfect pick-me-ups to make you feel awake and ready.   

#8 Ask for help…

Don’t be afraid to ask people for help or advice…sometimes two minds are better than one. Explain what you are writing about and you never know, they might have great ideas that you hadn’t thought of yet. You could also ask them to read over your work for a second opinion or just for fresh eyes, they may pick up any silly mistakes or errors that you have overlooked.

#9 Get some sleep…

We’re always told that adults should be getting a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep a night, but of course there are times where this doesn’t happen (more often than not I’d say). Being well rested is so important when it comes to writing because when you’re tired you can’t focus, and when you can’t focus you don’t think straight. Know when it’s time to shut off for the night and give your mind and body the recovery it needs. You’ll thank yourself in the morning.

#10 Stress less…

Stressing never helps. You may think it does, but it doesn’t. It makes every situation worse and generally leads to tears. Tears don’t help either. There’s a time to cry, but over writing isn’t one of them. Take a deep breath, you’re goingto get through this and repeat steps 4-9.

However, if all else fails…never forget the words of wisdom from Josie Geller (Drew Barrymore);

“Someone once told me that to write well you have to write what you know. This is what I know.” – Never Been Kissed, 1999.

Words by Jacqui Feros