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How do I book a return?
Item not quite right? Here's how to return it:
Have an account?
1. Log in to My Account > My Returns
2. Choose the item(s) you want to return and let us know why (it helps us make more of the products you want).
3. Pay for your return shipping in the portal (If you've already got store credit, you can use it to pay).
4. Once your return is booked, you’ll get an email with your shipping label. Simply stick the new label over the old one on your original Showpo bag, seal it up, and drop it at the post office.
You can track your return through My Account > My Returns.
Checked out as a guest?
1. Head to our 'Returns' page on our website and follow the prompts.
2. Print out the shipping label and stick it on the parcel.
3. Drop it off at your local post office
For all returns outside Australia, book your return through our portal, take your parcel to your local Post Office and purchase a returns shipping label. We don't offer labels for all countries just yet but we are working on it!
Our bags are reusable so you can use them to send your item(s) back. Just stick your new shipping label over the old one. Otherwise, feel free to pop it in another bag, providing it's securely covered it should be fine. No need to buy a return postage parcel!
Check out Returns Page for more info.
Still not sure? Get in touch via livechat, or email at and we'll happily help you out.

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