Most common questions

Item not quite right? Here's how to return it:

  1. If you have a Showpo account, log in to My Account > My Returns
  2. If you checked out as a guest, go to the returns portal and enter your order number and the email address you used to make your original purchase 
  3. Choose the item(s) you want to return and let us know why (it helps us improve!)
  4. Once your return is booked you'll get an email with our returns shipping address, it will also contain your returns reference number. Either print this out and stick it on your parcel or write it out yourself (please remember to include your return reference number). Take your parcel to your local Post Office and purchase a returns shipping label there. Sorry, we don't offer pre-paid labels just yet but we are working on it!

Our bags are reusable so you can use them to send your item(s) back. Otherwise, feel free to pop it in another bag, providing it's securely covered it should be fine. 
Check out Returns Page for more information.

Still not sure? Get in touch via live chat, or email at and we'll happily help you out.


Once you’ve placed your order, you’ll receive a confirmation email from us.

Then, when your order is on its way, you’ll receive another email from the courier with your tracking number. Use this tracking link to follow your order's journey.

Keep an eye out for these emails in your inbox (and junk folder too). It can take up to 24 hours to receive tracking information.

Can’t find your tracking email? Check the following...

Have a Showpo account?

Log in to My Account > My orders > Track.

Checked out as a guest?

Pop your email and order ID (included in your confirmation email) in the tracking link here to follow your Showpo order.


All returns are sent back using our returns portal and shipping labels are easily tracked.

Your return will be processed within 48 hours of being delivered back to us. Once received and assessed by our returns team, you'll be notified via email!

You can find your tracking in the following ways:
Have an account?
Log into My Account > Current Returns > Track Returns
Checked out as a guest?
Head to the Order Tracking Portal to track using your order ID (from your shipping confirmation email).

If you have any issues with this, reach out to our Customer Happiness Team via live chat or email us at and we'll happily help you out!